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Portrait Of Olimpia Maidalchini Pamphilj (1591–1657), Half Length, Wearing Black by 
																	Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velasquez

Portrait Of Olimpia Maidalchini Pamphilj (1591–1657), Half Length, Wearing Black




oil on original canvas


30.47 in. (77.40 cm.) (height) by 24.02 in. (61.00 cm.) (width)


the reverse bears the cipher of the Marqués del Carpio and inventory number: DGH/429


(strip-lined); in a rare Spanish reverse cassetta, gilded and faux-marble frame


Recorded in a letter by Francesco Gualenghi, a resident of Modena living in Rome, to Francesco I d'Este, Duke of Modena (1610 - 1658), dated 13th July 1650;. Inventario dei beni ereditarij della chiar. mem. dell'Em.mo Sig.re Card. Massimi , 11 October 1677, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Codice Capponiano 280, in 'La collezione del cardinal Massimo e l'inventario del 1677', AAVV, Camillo Massimo collezionista di antichità. Fonti e materiali, Rome 1996, pp. 91-153 and p. 100, no. 136 (as 'Diego Velasco', hanging on the left-hand wall in Massimi's gallery); . Listed in the inventory dated 7 September 1682 - 1 January 1683 of works belonging to Don Gaspar Méndez de Haro, 7th Marqués del Carpio (1629-1687), drawn up in Rome, under no. 429, as 'Ritratto di Donna Olimpia Panfilia con velo nero in testa' as by 'Diego Velasco' with a value of 50 scudi, for which see M.B. Burke, Private Collections of Italian Art in Seventeenth-Century Spain , 1984, vol. I, p. 293, no. 429; . Listed in the inventory drawn up on the death of the Marqués del Carpio in 1687, under no. 429, for which see Burke 1984, vol. I, p. 343 ff.; . A. Palomino, Lives of the Eminent Spanish Painters and Sculptors Inventory , 1724, Cambridge 1987 (ed.), p. 159, listed as 'Velazquez portrayed Cardinal Pamphili, the illustrious Donna Olimpia, Monsignor Camillo Massimi…'; . E. Harris, Velasquez , Oxford 1982, p. 146, as a lost work; . A. Delfino, 'Alcuni documenti sui pittori del '600 tratti dall'Archivio dei Stato di Napoli', in Ricerche sul '600 napoletano, 1998, pp. 17-22; . Corpus velazqueño , Madrid, Ministerio de Cultura, 2000, II, p. 554, no. 520; . J.L. Colomer, in F.C. Cremades et al., Cortes del Barroco: de Bernini y Velazquez a Luca Giordano , exh. cat., Madrid 2003, p. 38; . E. Harris, Estudios completos sobre Velazquez , Madrid 2006, pp. 27-31, 185-194; . Velazquez , exh. cat., National Gallery, London, 2006-2007, p. 224, under no. 40 (as probably painted in July 1650 but now lost); . F. Checa, Velazquez, The Complete Paintings , 2008, p. 186, under no. 73 (as a lost work); . L. de Frutos, El Templo de la Fama. Alegoría del Marqués del Carpio , Fundación Arte Hispanico, Madrid 2009, pp. 467-68, no. 647. . ENGRAVED . Pierre Daret (1604 - 1678), in Tableaux historiques, où sont graves les illustres Francois et Etrangers de I'un et 1' autre sexe , Paris, 1653; . Guillaume Vallet (1632 - 1704), Rome, 1657; . Giovanni Battista Cecchi ( c . 1748 - 1815), in Vita di Donna Olimpia Maidalchini , 1781


Commissioned by or for the sitter, Donna Olimpia Maidalchini Pamphilj (1591 - 1657), on 11th July 1650;. Thence by descent to her grandson Cardinal Camillo Massimi (1620-1677), listed in his posthumous inventory, dated Rome 11 October 1677, as hanging on the left-hand wall of his gallery, under no. 106: 'Diego Velasco'; . Don Gaspar Méndez de Haro, 7th Marqués del Carpio, Duque de Montoro, Conde-Duque de Olivares, Marqués de Eliche (1629 - 1687), Rome and Naples, by whom purchased in 1678 from the estate of the above for '20 y 20 escudos'; and listed in his inventory dated Rome 7 September 1682 - 1 January 1683, under no. 429, as 'Ritratto di Donna Olimpia Panfilia con velo nero in testa' as by 'Diego Velasco' with a value of 50 scudi; and in his posthumous inventory dated Naples 1687, also under no. 429; . Don Eugenio de los Rios, Caballero de Santiago and Mayordomo Mayor to the late Marqués del Carpio, in 1688, together with Velazquez's portrait of Camillo Massimi (as 'dos retratos de Velazquez de 3 x 2½ palmos'), perhaps in lieu of debt from the late Marqués; . Sig. Cesare Barbaro, Naples, to whom passed on 8 June 1692 from Don Eugenio de los Rios, together with the portrait of Cardinal Massimi (as 'dos retratros de Velazquez de 3 x 2½ palmos'); . Cardinal Pompeo Aldrovandi (1668-1752), Bologna and Rome, by 1724 (as 'Diego Valaschi, Ritratto di D.a Olimpia Pamphili' and 'Ritratto di Mons.r Massimi'); . Anonymous sale, The Hague, Venduhuis der Notarissen, 22 April 1986, lot 205 (as Dutch school, c. 1650 ['Hollandse School, ca. 1650']); . Where purchased by a private collector; . By whom bequeathed to the present owner



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